Ever wonder what’s happening behind the scenes at Petropolis Pet Resort? With all our extra holiday clients and the new year coming up, we’ve had a lot on our plates. Here’s a little update on what we’ve been up to this December.
Cat Jungle Renovations
For the past several months, we’ve been working on a major overhaul of our Cat Jungle. We’ve torn down several old rooms and built four brand new luxury suites complete with water fountains for drinking and television screens playing “cat tv.” Plus, we got several much-needed updates like a new kitchen area and new floors. So far, the cats are loving it, and we can’t wait to show you the finished product. As soon as the renovations are finished, we’ll be posting a video tour of the luxury rooms.
Employees of the Month
Our October and November Employees of the Month are Bailey Reynolds and Beth Appel!

Bailey is a lead hotel supervisor, and he makes sure all of our hotel clients are happy and comfortable from the moment they walk in the door to the moment they go back home. She is incredibly observant and always quick to step in when a pet needs her. Thanks, Bailey!

Beth is a trainer, and she’s been with us since the beginning of October. If your pup has attended training in the past couple of months, they’ve most likely been trained by Beth. She does an amazing job with all her students. Thanks, Beth!