
What’s Happening at Petropolis February 2019

We’ve had a busy month here at Petropolis Pet Resort, and it’s only getting busier! Here’s just a small peek at what we’ve been up to.

New Grooming System

We’ve recently been testing out a new dog bathing system from Ogena. Unlike a traditional bath, our new grooming system can be used anywhere, meaning dogs who are reactive to or stressed out by other dogs or the bathtub can be bathed in the privacy of their own rooms. The system cleans all the way to the skin and stimulates the dog’s hair follicles, which makes for a softer coat and less shedding. It’s quick, easy, and – in our experience so far – less stressful for some of our clients. Kaya (right) gets to enjoy a peanut butter snack while she is bathed right on her grooming table!

If your dog has had trouble with traditional grooming environments in the past, consider giving our new system a try. Talk to one of our groomers to see if this kind of treatment is right for you and your pet.

Spring Break Lodging

With all this cold weather, it’s hard to believe spring break is just around the corner – but it’s true! And if you’re going on vacation, why not send your dog or cat a fun getaway of their own? Spots in our hotel are already filling up, so hurry and book your pet’s reservation. Our reservation specialists will work with you to create the lodging and play package that’s right for your pet so you can have peace of mind while you’re away. Call us at (636)537-2322 to book your pet’s stay now!

Cat Jungle Updates

The renovations to our Cat Jungle are almost complete, and our feline guests are already loving the changes. We’ve enjoyed watching them discover all the new rooms have to offer. Not only does the space look incredible, but it also accommodates for the needs of different types of cats. We can’t wait to show you the finished product very, very soon!


What’s Happening at Petropolis December 2018

Ever wonder what’s happening behind the scenes at Petropolis Pet Resort? With all our extra holiday clients and the new year coming up, we’ve had a lot on our plates. Here’s a little update on what we’ve been up to this December.

Cat Jungle Renovations

For the past several months, we’ve been working on a major overhaul of our Cat Jungle. We’ve torn down several old rooms and built four brand new luxury suites complete with water fountains for drinking and television screens playing “cat tv.” Plus, we got several much-needed updates like a new kitchen area and new floors. So far, the cats are loving it, and we can’t wait to show you the finished product. As soon as the renovations are finished, we’ll be posting a video tour of the luxury rooms.

Employees of the Month

Our October and November Employees of the Month are Bailey Reynolds and Beth Appel!

Bailey is a lead hotel supervisor, and he makes sure all of our hotel clients are happy and comfortable from the moment they walk in the door to the moment they go back home. She is incredibly observant and always quick to step in when a pet needs her. Thanks, Bailey!

Beth is a trainer, and she’s been with us since the beginning of October. If your pup has attended training in the past couple of months, they’ve most likely been trained by Beth. She does an amazing job with all her students. Thanks, Beth!


What’s Happening at Petropolis January 2019

At Petropolis, we’ve started the new year on a strong note! Here are just a few of the exciting things we’ve been up to for the past month.

Training Department Updates

This month, our training department got a total revamp and is now under the leadership of our career school, The Academy of Pet Careers. The new head trainer, Jody Epstein, is the training instructor of the academy. Not only will our training pups work with her, but they’ll also get to work with her students! This means your pup will get even more individualized attention and be able to learn in different environments.

Jody has a master’s in animal behavior and over 12 years of training experience. We can’t wait to see our department grow under her leadership!

Cat Jungle Renovations

Our Cat Jungle just keeps getting better! This month, we added four new Presidential Aquarium Suites and completely renovated our Window Suites. Plus, our Accessible Suites (which are horizontal and perfect for older cats) got fixed up as well. We still have a ways to go, but we’re very happy with the progress and can’t wait to give you all a grand tour.

Our Presidential Aquarium Suites include televisions playing 24/7 footage of an aquarium for your cat to enjoy. Mochi (left) is loving hers!