A Samoyed puppy stands at the door in a dog boarding facility.

Is Dog Boarding Safe? What to Look For In a Boarding Facility

At the right facility, boarding can be the safest option for your dog while you’re out of town. But since not all boarding facilities are the same, it’s important to do your research prior to booking.

When searching for a boarding facility for your dog, make sure it offers these things.

A Safe Dog Boarding Facility Should Offer…

Supervised Play

Play groups should never be left unattended. A staff member should be with the group at all times, and they should know how to spot concerning behaviors (like resource guarding). An unsupervised play group is a recipe for disaster, so make sure your pup will never be left unattended with other dogs.

Highly Trained Staff

Aside from knowing how to spot concerning behaviors, boarding staff must know how to redirect a dog’s attention, keep the group calm, and break up scuffles. We don’t believe in using pain or punishment with dogs, so we redirect dogs’ attention with recall games, treats, and our play features. In addition, a safe dog boarding facility will also staff someone familiar with canine first aid.

A Healthy Balance of Activity and Rest

All-day play sounds fun in theory, but it can actually get exhausting. Dogs need breaks! We break our play schedule into a morning and afternoon session, and then pups get to spend the evenings winding down in their private rooms.

Spacious, Comfortable Rooms

No one wants to leave their dog in a cramped, uncomfortable room. Ask to tour the boarding facility and see where your dog will be staying. A safe dog boarding room should have plenty of space for your dog to stretch out, get comfortable, and relax. And while no boarding space is silent, a boarding space broken into smaller bays is ideal for minimizing noise and stress.

More than anything, make sure you feel good about who you’re trusting with your dog. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and call to check in during their stay.

A tan pit bull lays on a dog bed chewing a bully stick in a dog boarding facility.

What does my dog need for boarding?

Not sure what to pack for your pup? We’ve got you covered! Read on for a list of what your dog needs for boarding, or check out our complete Dog Boarding Checklist (complete with vaccine requirements, contact info, and more!)

What Your Dog Needs For Boarding


We suggest packing the same food your dog usually eats at home. It’s also best to pack their food in pre-measured portions. That way, you know your pet has enough food for their stay and our team can easily feed them the correct amount at each meal.


If your dog requires medication, make sure to pack it in its original packaging. This way, our team will have the prescription and dosage information at their fingertips.


Don’t forget your pup’s favorite toys! Avoid anything you know your dog will tear up, rope toys, and rawhide (opt for a safer natural chew, like an antler!). Pack one or two toys to keep your dog occupied when they’re in their room for the night.


Some boarding facilities provide bedding (like ours!), but it’s still a good idea to pack a bed, blanket, or pillow that smells like home. Even one of your t-shirts will do! A familiar object with your scent on it will help your pup get comfortable in their room.

Still have questions before your dog’s stay? Give us a call at (636)537-2322. We’ll gladly answer any questions you may have about your pet’s reservation.

A black, white, and tan puppy sits on a teal pet cot in a dog boarding facility.

How much does dog boarding cost?

No two dogs are the same. That’s why we create custom packages for each of our boarding clients. When you book your boarding reservation, one of our New Client Specialists will help you build the perfect package for your pet and discuss the cost of their dog boarding reservation. During their stay, we’ll make adjustments to keep them happy and comfortable.

Read on to learn about our pricing structure, or click here to request a reservation.

Cost of Dog Boarding at Petropolis

Room Options

Both our Chesterfield and St. Charles locations feature standard and upgraded dog boarding room options. Our standard rooms start as low as $33 per night and are plenty large enough for siblings to room together.

Our upgraded rooms are perfect for more anxious pups or families who’d like to board together. Ask your New Client Specialist about upgrading for your pet’s stay.

Activity Packages

Whether you have a rambunctious puppy or a snuggly senior dog, we have an activity package that’s right for them! Our group play packages start at $26 per day for supervised outdoor sessions in our one-of-a-kind play yards. Plus, both locations feature covered play areas with fans and heaters for inclement weather.

For dogs who’d rather play with our staff, we also offer one-on-one sessions. These start at $15 per day and are perfect for more shy dogs or seniors who’d rather cuddle than ruff-house.

Special Care

We know some dogs need extra attention and care, so we’re more than happy to accommodate most medical needs. We also make accomodations for seniors (like non-slip flooring) and puppies (like extra potty walks to keep their house training on track). Talk to your New Client Specialist about any extra TLC your dog may need during their stay.

Book Now!

Call (636)537-2322 or click here to book your dog’s boarding reservation!

no breed restrictions

Why We Have NO Breed Restrictions

We at Petropolis are proud to have no breed restrictions for any of our services. 

We believe all dogs are good dogs. It’s our job as their owners and handlers to set them up for success. 

Why we don’t believe in breed restrictions

Many of the behaviors that can get a dog labeled as ‘aggressive’ at other facilities are actually fear responses. No dog is aggressive, but they can be reactive in the face of scary, unknown, or stressful situations.

Even so, no breed is inherently reactive. Dogs very rarely bite “out of the blue.” It’s our job to keep dogs out of uncomfortable situations and learn the warning signs of a stressed dog.

Luckily, our highly-trained staff can recognize the signs of a fight or a bite long before either occur. They constantly monitor our playgroups and step in if dogs start to play too rough. 

How we evaluate new dogs

We evaluate every single dog who walks through our door the same way, regardless of breed. Each dog spends their first day with our Canine Evaluators, who get to know them and help them adjust to our facility. 

Then, each dog is slowly introduced to the appropriate play group. We separate our groups based on size, energy level, and play style to keep everyone happy and having fun. We also offer one-on-one play options for dogs who’d prefer to spend time with our staff instead of other dogs.

If a dog is particularly reactive, we may suggest training, behavioral help, or just more time to adjust, but we will never turn a dog away based on breed alone. 

can dogs eat turkey (1)

Can Dogs Eat Turkey? (And Other Dog-Safe Foods)

St. Charles, MO, November 24, 2020 – With the holidays right around the corner, it is the perfect time to get Fido in on the fun and share some of your family meal. But can dogs eat turkey, sweet potatoes, and other holiday staples?

Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

The short answer is yes, dogs can eat turkey, but the turkey you’re eating at Thanksgiving is most likely not safe for your pup. Extra salt and spices can upset your dog’s digestive system, so avoid feeding them seasoned meat. Instead, give your dog cooked, unseasoned turkey with the skin removed. Turkey is an excellent source of digestible protein, and it might actually be better for your pup than chicken or beef. In fact, many commercial dog foods are made with turkey meal. So as long as the meat is cooked, unseasoned, and deboned, it’s safe for your dog to eat turkey in small quantities.

Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes?

Our dogs here at Petropolis LOVE sweet potatoes. In fact, they’re in some of the treats we give them and many commercial dog foods. Unseasoned, baked sweet potatoes make a great low-fat, high-fiber snack for your furry friend. For small or older dogs, we suggest peeling and mashing them.

Can Dogs Eat Bones?

It’s tempting to toss your dog the bones from your ham or turkey after dinner, but it is actually very unsafe to give dogs cooked bones. When they are roasted, the bones become brittle and splinter easily. This can be dangerous for your pet.

Raw bones, however, are completely safe for dogs (and cats!), and they contain essential nutrients and minerals that your pet might not get elsewhere. Small bones can be a choking hazard, but large raw bones are the perfect scrap to feed your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin?

Letting your pup take a bite out of your jack-o-lantern after Halloween might seem like a fun Instagram opportunity, but it’s definitely not safe. Those pumpkins could be full of mold and bacteria from sitting on the porch for days.

Instead, feed your dog fresh or canned pumpkin, either cooked or uncooked. As long as it’s unseasoned and unsweetened, pumpkin is perfectly safe for dogs. We love feeding canned pumpkin puree (not pie filling) to our dogs. It’s quick and easy, and dogs love it.

Food That Is Dangerous For Dogs

There are far more dangerous than safe foods for your dog on your holiday table. Avoid feeding these foods to your dog this holiday season:

  • Onion, garlic, and spices
  • Xylitol and other artificial sweeteners
  • Salt
  • Raisins and grapes
  • Walnuts and macadamia nuts
  • Pitted fruits like peaches and persimmons
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Dairy products
  • Fat trimmings
  • Avocado
  • Chocolate

When in doubt, ask your vet what is safe for your pet to eat. It’s fun to share our food with our dogs, but their health and safety is the most important thing.


What’s Happening at Petropolis June 2019

While the first day of summer is technically a few weeks away, it sure feels like it’s already begun here at Petropolis! We have dogs in Canine Cove nearly every day, the salon is busy with summer cuts, and lodging is already filling up for Independence Day. Keep reading for some more updates about what we’ve been up to and what you can expect later this month.

Welcome Dr. Jesse McClure, Our New Canine Behavior Manager

It seems like our training team is getting stronger every day! We’re so happy to welcome Dr. Jesse McClure to our team as our new canine expert. Jesse has over 15 years of dog training experience and a Ph.D. in neuroscience and behavior. He got his start training narcotic detection canines for the Coast Guard, and he and his dog Rebel even provided explosive detection support for the 2005 presidential inauguration.

Now, Jesse (and his dog Ramekin) are heading up our new behavior department aimed at helping pets with specific behavioral concerns including extreme cases of anxiety, fear, and aggression. We’re so excited to offer behavior modification in addition to our training programs, and we can’t wait to see what amazing work Jesse can do with our Petropolis Pups.

“The Paw-fice” Doggy Day Care Party

Our favorite TV show shouldn’t be reserved for people, so we’re bringing it to the pups! Join us on Tuesday, June 25thfor our “The Paw-fice” Doggy Day Care Party. For the price of a regular day of doggy day care, your pup will get a full day of fun with their “coworkers.” They’ll also get an office-themed treat from Treats Unleashed and a photo to take home. Plus, weather-permitting, they’ll get to spend the day splashing around in Canine Cove!

Is your pup new to doggy day care at Petropolis? Give us a call at (636)537-2322 to schedule their FREE first day before the party.

4th of July Lodging (and Safety) Reminder

We’re less than a month away from the biggest holiday of the summer! While the 4th of July is an exciting, fun holiday for humans, it can be scary and dangerous for our pets. The 4th is the absolute worst holiday in terms of pet loss. During backyard barbeques, there are plenty of opportunities for pets to escape out the door while guests come and go. Plus, fireworks and firecrackers trigger flight responses in many dogs. It’s important to plan for your pet’s safety and peace of mind.

That’s why we recommend boarding your pet whether or not you’re leaving town for Independence Day, especially if you plan on hosting. Large gatherings can be stressful for pets anyway, and the added danger of pet loss makes the 4th of July a perfect storm. Give our Reservation Specialists a call at (636)537-2322 and let them help you plan your pet’s lodging stay. And don’t worry – they won’t miss out on the 4th of July fun! Our dogs will spend the day splashing around in Canine Cove and playing with their furry friends. Plus, don’t forget to add a special holiday meal to your dog’s stay when you book; we’ll be serving watermelon, blueberries, and (of course) hot dogs!


What’s Happening at Petropolis February 2019

We’ve had a busy month here at Petropolis Pet Resort, and it’s only getting busier! Here’s just a small peek at what we’ve been up to.

New Grooming System

We’ve recently been testing out a new dog bathing system from Ogena. Unlike a traditional bath, our new grooming system can be used anywhere, meaning dogs who are reactive to or stressed out by other dogs or the bathtub can be bathed in the privacy of their own rooms. The system cleans all the way to the skin and stimulates the dog’s hair follicles, which makes for a softer coat and less shedding. It’s quick, easy, and – in our experience so far – less stressful for some of our clients. Kaya (right) gets to enjoy a peanut butter snack while she is bathed right on her grooming table!

If your dog has had trouble with traditional grooming environments in the past, consider giving our new system a try. Talk to one of our groomers to see if this kind of treatment is right for you and your pet.

Spring Break Lodging

With all this cold weather, it’s hard to believe spring break is just around the corner – but it’s true! And if you’re going on vacation, why not send your dog or cat a fun getaway of their own? Spots in our hotel are already filling up, so hurry and book your pet’s reservation. Our reservation specialists will work with you to create the lodging and play package that’s right for your pet so you can have peace of mind while you’re away. Call us at (636)537-2322 to book your pet’s stay now!

Cat Jungle Updates

The renovations to our Cat Jungle are almost complete, and our feline guests are already loving the changes. We’ve enjoyed watching them discover all the new rooms have to offer. Not only does the space look incredible, but it also accommodates for the needs of different types of cats. We can’t wait to show you the finished product very, very soon!

10 things to look for when boarding your pets

10 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Boarding Facility

Last week ABC Action News talked to Angie’s List founder Angie Hicks about what pet parents should do with their four-legged children when they go on vacation. With spring break coming up, and summer vacations not far behind, Hicks says, “If you are going to be traveling and you are not looking to take your pet with you, one great options is actually to use a boarding kennel, but it’s important to research the kennel before you leave town.”

At Petropolis Pet Center in Chesterfield, we pride ourselves on giving pets not just a clean and healthy environment to live in, but also aim to enrich their lives during their stay. Take a look at Angie’s ten suggestions for boarding kennels, and how many Petropolis meets:

Top Ten Things to Consider Before Choosing a Boarding Facility

  1. Are your facilities a doggie daycare or kennel?

Petropolis offers one of the largest doggie daycare facilities in the area, and revolutionized the way that pets stay at boarding facilities. When your dog stays at Petropolis, not only do you get upscale accommodations with personalized care, but doggie daycare is included at no additional charge.

  1. Are you a member of the Pet Care Services Association (PCSA)?

The Pet Care Services Association, or PCSA, is no longer in business. However Petropolis Pet Center was a certified member in good standing of the PCSA while it was around.

  1. Do you offer cageless options?

At this time we do not offer cage-less boarding. We have found that as much as dogs love to play, sometimes they need their rest. And it is hard to do so when you have a group of dogs trying to play with you 24/7. However dogs who board with us do go to doggie daycare from 9am to 12pm, and again from 1pm to 4pm. While they are not playing at camp, we have our pet care associates monitoring their needs, taking them on potty-walks, etc.

  1. If pets are primarily caged, how often are they let out for exercise?

Dogs receive 6 hours of play per day at doggie daycare, where they get plenty of exercise and socialization with other campers.

  1. Are all the facilities outdoors, or do you have indoor facilities?

Petropolis offers both indoor and outdoor play facilities. Our condos and villas are exclusively inside, where they enjoy climate controlled and spacious living quarters. When the weather is nice, dogs go outside to play. If it is too cold or rainy, dogs get to play in our large indoor area.

  1. If there are inside facilities, is there climate control?

Yes, our indoor pet boarding facilities are climate controlled for the comfort of our guests.

  1. How often are the cages or rooms cleaned?

Both our 2 and 4 room condos, as well as the luxury villas, are cleaned on a daily basis. The condos have raiser floors in case pets have an accident, so that they don’t have to be uncomfortable until clean-up. Then any accidents are removed and the area is sanitized immediately.

  1. How are emergency situations handled?

Every staff member at Petropolis is trained using an emergency and disaster preparedness guide that was custom written for our facility. Managers each have responsibilities to oversee, ensuring that risk and harm are kept to a minimum.

  1. Do you have webcam access?

We have taken webcams a step further! Petropolis is the first facility in the nation to use Skype for two-way automated calling between pets and their owners. That means that you can see and hear your pets – and they can see and hear you.

  1. Are you really for my pet?

We know that pets come in all different shapes and sizes. We know that the care we provide for another customer may not be the same for you. That is why Petropolis takes personalized instructions for the care of your pets, feed your food if requested or even administering medication – all at no additional charge.

We hope that you find Petropolis to be the perfect pet hotel for your four-legged friends. If you have any questions for us, please do not hesitate to call us at 636-537-2322. Also feel free to stop by for a tour any time!